Materials and Care

Many of our pieces have gold detailing or plating. Goldis regarded as a highly precious metal because it has a high resistance to corrosion and will endure long afterother metals have tarnished. It is malleable enough tobe easily worked with to create stunning jewelry and has a timeless luster and enchanting shine.How to care for 18 Carat Gold Give your gold jewelry a ‘bath’ in a solution of warmwater and soap.Let it soak for several hours and use a brush with softbristles to clean it. Rinse with clean water and dry witha soft cloth. Keep gold pieces stored separately in asoft pouch to keep from scratches. A material like goldis durable but we must not forget that it can still bescratched and marked if not cared for. It is best tostore it separately from other pieces, either in a softpouch or a velvet lined jewelry box. When cleaning, soakin a solution for several hours using soap and warmwater. Rinse carefully and dry thoroughly with a cloth.If you look after your gold it will last a lifetime.

Probably the most well known and popular member of the quartz family, amethyst is recognized for its signature deep purple hue. As far back as ancient Egypt, royalty and highborn lords wore it as a most prized gemstone. Depending on its source, amethyst can range from a dark purple color to a more red tone with hints of purple within. Named for a Greek Goddess who was transformed into the jewel, it has associations with sobriety and decency, as well as being believed to encourage good quality sleep and to act as a detoxification aid.

Ametrine is a very special gemstone that combines the yellow of citrine with the purple of amethyst within one crystal. The boundary between these colors can vary, giving each gem a unique look: sometimes, you'll see a clear line between two colors, and other times, they blend together. German is particularly fond of ametrine for its rarity and quirky look since it's impossible to find two identical pieces. This quality makes it perfect for crafting one-of-a-kind designs that have no duplicates.

Like its cousin the emerald, aquamarine is one of theberyl mineral gemstones. It is sourced at mountainousheights and us usually mined in large quantities. Famousfor its clear crystal blue color it takes its beautifulname from the Latin word meaning ‘seawater’ and it iseasy to understand why. A stone used as a talisman ofsafety by sailors across the centuries, it is alsobelieved to be a jewel of happiness in marriage andyouthful vivacity. Its color ranges from the palestblue-white to a deeper green-blue

It is no myth that ‘diamonds are forever’ as they areliterally the most durable mineral on earth. Throughouthistory, diamonds have been the highest valued of all ofthe gemstones and are connected with the ultimateexpression of love, strength and endurance. Diamonds areprized for their colorless hue but some that have a rarecolor are extremely sought after. We have used BlackDiamonds in several of our pieces for their shine andopacity. Diamonds are the hardest substance and willnever scratch or get damaged, hence the Ancient Greeksnaming them ‘adamas’ which means ‘indestructible’.Diamonds enhance the connection between body and mind,offering the wearer total clarity.

One of our more unique signature materials is blackanthracite. This rocky material has similar qualities topewter and graphite, and it is very malleable and whenworked with properly. It produces a very lustrous sheenfor our creations. It’s semi-metallic nature means thatit can be shaped, moulded and carved to create beautifulpieces of jewelry.

One of the quartz gemstone family, citrines can vary incolor from a deep orange-brown to a pale sparklingyellow. It is having somewhat of a revival of late, andhas increased in popularity. Our jewelry celebrates thespecial qualities of this unique gemstone. Found deepwithin ancient igneous rocks, citrine is found in manycountries worldwide. Citrine gemstones have long beensymbolic of purification and positive energy.

This verdant gemstone is sometimes compared with thebrilliant emerald due to its luscious green color. Ithas gained popularity recently due to its dramaticsparkle. It is rich in chromium, which is what endows itwith such richness of color and it is a favorite amongour artisans because of this quality. It has long beenknown as the jewel of wishes and opportunities, as wellas being a gemstone that helps the wearer withself-improvement.

Rich in magnesium, peridot is sometimes known as the‘evening emerald’ because of its ability to sparkle arich, deep green in artificial light. The meaning of thename is French and is connected to the word ‘gold’because the color and hue of the gemstone can vary fromdark green to a pale yellow-green. It has long beenprized as the national jewel of Egypt and is revered asa gemstone that works to aid friendship and dissolvejealous thoughts.

Man made to imitate the sparkle of diamonds, cubiczirconia has its own unique personality and luster thatcan enhance more prominent gemstones. It is durable andclear and very interesting to work with, and as asynthetic material, jewelers have long prized it’sresilience and useability. It adds character to many ofour pieces and is usually colorless, although color canbe added in the forming process.

Widely believed to be Cleopatra’s favorite gemstone, the emerald is the most valuable gemstone next to the diamond. A type of beryl mineral it can vary in color from deep green to a gorgeous blue-green. With both chromium and vanadium present in the gemstone, which gives it its rich and verdant color, it is a gemstone that we treat with high regard and care in our jewelry. It is known as a jewel that represents unconditional love, healing and inspiration and is representative of royalty.

A garnet comes in many forms. It is a collective termused to describe a range of silicate minerals andtherefore presents itself in a range of colors anddepths. The most traditionally recognised garnet is thedeep red jewel that had its name conferred from theLatin word which means ‘seedlike’ - due to itssimilarity to tiny juicy pomegranate seeds. Garnets havebeen continually popular throughout the centuries, andare believed to ward off

Usually distinguished by their darkness of tone, spinelcomes from a large collective group of isometric oxideminerals, including galaxite and ceylonite among others.It has had a recent surge in popularity due to itsability to complement other gemstones in a rich andluxurious setting. They are present in a wide range ofcolors, and therefore have versatility and can be usedcreatively. Spinel is associated with refreshing energylevels as well as overcoming adversity. Other beliefsare that it helps the wearer to develop humility

Pearls have a timeless elegance all of their own. Theirbeauty is prized throughout the world and throughout theages, never wavering and always loved. Pearls can befound naturally or can be cultured but are usually intones of either white or cream. Pearls have a flawlesssphere-like shape that is abundant with beauty and theyare a joy to use in our jewelry. Pearls are connectedwith Goddesses as well as with loyalty and purity.

Rich in magnesium, peridot is sometimes known as the‘evening emerald’ because of its ability to sparkle arich, deep green in artificial light. The meaning of thename is French and is connected to the word ‘gold’because the color and hue of the gemstone can vary fromdark green to a pale yellow-green. It has long beenprized as the national jewel of Egypt and is revered asa gemstone that works to aid friendship and dissolvejealous thoughts.

We have used this extremely valuable and rare material when plating our silver. It is an incredibly precious element and comes from the platinum group of precious metals. It mixed well with silver due to its shiningpatina and creates a luminous sheen that endures acrosstime. It will never tarnish or oxidize so it is a highlyprized material which we use with great care. How to care for RhodiumWhen cleaning and storingrhodium it is important to remember that although it isone of the most durable precious metals, it stillrequires care and attention. Make sure to soak it in abath of warm water and mild soap but for no longer thanten minutes. Afterwards, use bottled water to rinse itclean and avoid using any brushes, just rub gently withyour hands. Lie it flat on a soft cotton cloth to dry.When storing, keep folded in soft tissue paper and keepin a dark, dry container.

Our rubies are treated with care and affection, for theyare one of the most valuable corundum minerals. Known asa stone of creativity, good fortune and love, the rubyhas long been symbolic of passion and abundance. It isthe chromium element present in rubies that gives thestone its deep red and sometimes deep pink color. Formeddeep inside mountain ranges, pressure and intense heatbuild up to create this incredibly vivacious andimportant gemstone that has fascinated and inspiredmankind throughout history.

The beauty of the sapphire is that it has its signaturedeep blue color that makes it so popular, but it alsohas other hues, known as ‘fancy sapphires’. We use thesein our jewelry for their range of stunning colors thatcreate truly unique pieces. Sapphire is known as acorundum mineral that has traces of titanium within,which offers a chameleon quality to the gemstones, thatappear to transform in color when the light glances offthem. Sapphire gemstones are associated with sincerityand truth and are a popular jewel for engagement rings.

Our jewelry is made in this shining material and isplated with other precious metals such as rhodium inmany of our designs. A most malleable and flexiblematerial it can be changed and transformed intobeautiful shapes. When it is mixed with other metals itis more durable and much stronger. This reliable andvaluable metal forms the basis of many of our designs.How to care for Sterling SilverAvoid it coming into contact with water too often.Use a cloth pouch for storage to avoid it oxidizing.Clean it using a solution of mild soap and waterSilver is a material that is best kept away from wateras often as possible because it can cause the metal tooxidise and tarnish. It is good practice to remove itwhen your hands come into contact with water. You canhowever clean it gently with a solution of mild soap andwater and quickly dry with a soft cloth. When not beingworn, store it in a cloth pouch to keep away from theair and light.

Topaz has ever been a popular jewel and its name derivesfrom the sanskrit word for fire. It comes mostly in acolorless gemstone but other more frequent varieties arein a pale sparkling blue, similar to aquamarine. It alsocan be found in a wide range of other colors and is oneof the silicate gemstones. It is one of the pleochroicgemstones and as such will transform in color whenviewed from varying angles. It is known as beingsymbolic of affection as well as promoting long life andgood fortune.

Found deep within granite, tourmaline is an Elbaitemineral which comes in a wide range of colors, much morethan any other gemstone. It changes color when seen fromvaried viewpoints, known as pleochroism, and because ofthis, it is prized for its chameleon like qualities andunique beauty. Sri Lankan tourmalines garnered the name‘turmali’ meaning colored crystal and so the nametourmaline was born. Considered to be a gemstone thatnurtures creativity in the arts, it is also valued bythose who work with sufferers of trauma and is a jewelthat champions sympathy and empathy to others. It isalso a gemstone that signifies friendship and love.

Tsavorite Garnet is a green gemstone renowned for its unusual color. This rare variety, primarily mined in East Africa, boasts a vivid green hue that rivals even the finest emeralds. In the German Kabirski Freakaverse, Tsavorite Garnet embodies the spirit of self-confidence and the willingness to break away from conformity. It encourages you to express your individuality without hesitation. German Kabirski takes an unconventional approach to Tsavorite Garnet and mostly uses it in its raw, unaltered state, preserving the gemstone as it's extracted from the Earth.

Amethyst and Citrine are of the quartz family and mayhave their own description, but the quartz mineralcrystal comes in a wide array of forms. Many are used inour pieces, such as rutilated quartz and smoky quartz.Formed from silicon dioxide, quartz has always been anextremely popular and fashionable gemstone throughouthistory. Valued for its range of color and luster it isknown as the stone that enhances others and amplifiestheir strengths. They are also associated with the giftof life and nature as well as having connections withthe spiritual realm.