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August Birthstones: Peridot & Spinel

Celebrate August birthdays with the vibrant beauty of peridot and spinel, the month’s stunning birthstones. Peridot shines with its bright green hues, symbolizing strength and renewal, while spinel offers a rich spectrum of colors, from deep reds and pinks to blues and black, perfect for bold self-expression. Explore peridot and spinel jewelry for meaningful, timeless gifts that capture the essence of August.

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Sold out Delos Blue Sapphire and Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIDelos Blue Sapphire and Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Delos Blue Sapphire and Spinel Ring Sale price $250.00
Bestseller Kapi Tsavorite and Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIKapi Tsavorite and Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Kapi Handmade Silver Ring with Natural Raw Tsavorite & Spinel Sale price $290.00
Sold out Delos Tsavorite and Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIDelos Tsavorite and Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Delos Tsavorite and Spinel Ring Sale price $250.00
Sold out Miroh Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIMiroh Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Miroh Peridot Ring Sale price $470.00
Vibrante Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIVibrante Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Vibrante Peridot Ring Sale price $720.00
Sold out Kamen Rough Amethyst and Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIKamen Rough Amethyst and Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Kamen Rough Amethyst and Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $1,080.00
Sold out 60% off Eutope Rough Lemon Quartz and Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIEutope Rough Lemon Quartz and Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Eutope Rough Lemon Quartz and Peridot Ring Sale price $990.00 $396.00
Sold out Asfar Rough Lemon Quartz and Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIAsfar Rough Lemon Quartz and Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Asfar Rough Lemon Quartz and Peridot Ring Sale price $1,120.00
Aether Lemon Quartz and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIAether Lemon Quartz and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Aether Lemon Quartz and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $940.00
Sold out Biann Rough Amethyst and Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIBiann Rough Amethyst and Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Biann Rough Amethyst and Peridot Ring Sale price $1,070.00
Sold out Moch Rough Pink Spinel and Yellow Sapphire Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIMoch Rough Pink Spinel and Yellow Sapphire Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Moch Rough Pink Spinel and Yellow Sapphire Ring Sale price $470.00
Miraw Rought Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIMiraw Rought Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Miraw Rought Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $1,020.00
Sold out Lari Citrine and Green Sapphire and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKILari Citrine and Green Sapphire and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Lari Citrine and Green Sapphire and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $1,010.00
Matos Amethyst and Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Brooch GERMAN KABIRSKIMatos Amethyst and Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Brooch GERMAN KABIRSKI
Matos Amethyst and Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Brooch Sale price $1,070.00
Sold out Kai Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIKai Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Kai Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $630.00
Sold out Kya Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIKya Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Kya Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $860.00
Sold out Acro Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIAcro Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Acro Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $899.00
Sold out Mille Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIMille Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Mille Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $880.00
Sold out Thame Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIThame Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Thame Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $899.00
Telos Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKITelos Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Telos Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $1,270.00
Sold out Henn Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIHenn Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Henn Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $650.00
Sold out Atara Rough Tsavorite and Rough Peridot and Black Spinel Brooch GERMAN KABIRSKIAtara Rough Tsavorite and Rough Peridot and Black Spinel Brooch GERMAN KABIRSKI
Atara Rough Tsavorite and Rough Peridot and Black Spinel Brooch Sale price $960.00
Sold out Scipio Rough Spinel and Rhodolite Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIScipio Rough Spinel and Rhodolite Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Scipio Rough Spinel and Rhodolite Ring Sale price $499.00
Sold out Fabius Rough Blue Sapphire and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIFabius Rough Blue Sapphire and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Fabius Rough Blue Sapphire and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $530.00
Sold out Titus Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKITitus Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Titus Rough Ruby and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $470.00
Sold out Kip Raw Turquoise and Pink Spinel and Black Spinel Brooch GERMAN KABIRSKIKip Raw Turquoise and Pink Spinel and Black Spinel Brooch GERMAN KABIRSKI
Kip Raw Turquoise and Pink Spinel and Black Spinel Brooch Sale price $770.00
Sold out Wois Rough Black Sapphire and Yellow Sapphire and Pink Spinel and Black Spinel Brooch GERMAN KABIRSKIWois Rough Black Sapphire and Yellow Sapphire and Pink Spinel and Black Spinel Brooch GERMAN KABIRSKI
Ruan Rough Turquoise and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIRuan Rough Turquoise and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Ruan Rough Turquoise and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $899.00
Sold out Soprano Rough Turquoise and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKISoprano Rough Turquoise and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Soprano Rough Turquoise and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $870.00
Sold out Evett Rough Turquoise and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIEvett Rough Turquoise and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Evett Rough Turquoise and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $840.00
Sold out Operon Rough Turquoise and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIOperon Rough Turquoise and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Operon Rough Turquoise and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $840.00
Ikaru Keshi Pearl and Rough Turquoise and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIIkaru Keshi Pearl and Rough Turquoise and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Ikaru Keshi Pearl and Rough Turquoise and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $870.00
Sold out Torre Rough Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKITorre Rough Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Torre Rough Amethyst and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $670.00
Sold out Ahura Blue Topaz and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIAhura Blue Topaz and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Ahura Blue Topaz and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $899.00
Deto Rough Turquoise and London Blue Topaz and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIDeto Rough Turquoise and London Blue Topaz and Black Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Deto Rough Turquoise and London Blue Topaz and Black Spinel Ring Sale price $840.00
Ethelinda Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIEthelinda Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Ethelinda Peridot Ring Sale price $240.00
Sold out Syzygy Large Spinel Bracelet GERMAN KABIRSKISyzygy Large Spinel Bracelet GERMAN KABIRSKI
Syzygy Large Spinel Bracelet Sale price $390.00
Sold out Adeola Spinel and White Topaz Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIAdeola Spinel and White Topaz Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Adeola Spinel and White Topaz Ring Sale price $380.00
Asa Peridot and Blue Topaz Earrings GERMAN KABIRSKIAsa Peridot and Blue Topaz Earrings GERMAN KABIRSKI
Asa Peridot and Blue Topaz Earrings Sale price $690.00
Arbiana Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIArbiana Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Arbiana Peridot Ring Sale price $320.00
Nitika Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKINitika Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Nitika Peridot Ring Sale price $299.00
Sold out 60% off Cleva Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKICleva Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Cleva Spinel Ring Sale price $490.00 $196.00
Sold out Iden Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIIden Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Iden Rough Spinel Ring Sale price $420.00
Sold out Anahi Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIAnahi Spinel Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Anahi Spinel Ring Sale price $380.00
Sold out Egena Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIEgena Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Egena Peridot Ring Sale price $390.00
Arawn Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKIArawn Peridot Ring GERMAN KABIRSKI
Arawn Peridot Ring Sale price $380.00
Sold out Ivalyn Spinel Earrings GERMAN KABIRSKIIvalyn Spinel Earrings GERMAN KABIRSKI
Ivalyn Rough Spinel Earrings Sale price $460.00
Orgo Peridot Ring Sale price $350.00
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